I'm thankful for
1. Interlibrary loan. I've been having trouble finding journal articles for my lit review for a case study for school. Jodilyn mentioned that she got some of her articles through interlibrary loan. Thanks for the tip. I requested some articles yesterday and four came today. I finally have some decent material.
2. Hook-ups. Again, I got hooked up with some free prints at the library. A nickel (or several) saved is a nickel earned.
3. Happy helpers. Twenty DESA members volunteered at the Math and Literacy night at my elementary school. They were all so pleasant and seemed to enjoy the experience. They made me look good in front of my principal and staff developer.
4. Free educational activities. I, along with the other volunteers, gathered up all the games they played tonight. These resources are priceless.
1 comment:
Can I just say that I love to read your blog and see my name in it. It gives me warm fuzzy tingles all over. You are a truly wonderful friend. I am glad I finally got to do something good for you too. :0) Happy reading.
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