Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rot in prison, Paul

I'll admit it. I'm fishing for comments on this one.
I've been meaning to post this picture for quite some time. It was one of the funniest parts of my Christmas quick trip to Florida. We got gas and dinner at a truck stop in Mississippi just outside of Jackson. My sister found this little gem on the wall of her bathroom stall. I snapped the photo with my mother's cell phone. Cell service was inconsistent in the area, so I couldn't send out the picture right away. I did send texts to a few of my funnier friends and asked them to Google Paul's name in Mississippi to find out if he ever did get booked in jail and promised them they'd find out why later. Google didn't bring back any good results. Once I regained cell service, I sent them the picture. I asked them the same question I now ask you:
What did Paul do to tick off Wanda?
Why would Wanda want him to rot in jail?

Tell me more about Paul and Wanda. It must've been pretty serious for her to include last names. Please be as clever and creative as possible. Tell your friends to join in on the fun. Feel free to repost this as long I you let me know, so I can read the clever responses on your blog.


● C E L I N A ● said...

Maybe he doesn't pay child support

● C E L I N A ● said...

MAYBE he left her on their wedding day

● C E L I N A ● said...

maybe he cut his thumb while grating cheese and she got a piece of skin in her taco?

● C E L I N A ● said...

maybe he had WORD VERIFICATION on his blog and wanda couldn't take it anymore so she just let him have it.


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